interfaces - significado y definición. Qué es interfaces
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Qué (quién) es interfaces - definición

Physical interface; Interfaces; Interface (disambiguation); Interfaces in computing; Interfaces in computing (disambiguation); Interfacing (disambiguation)

INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics         
Interfaces: An International Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science; Interfaces (operations research); Interfaces: An International Journal of the Institute for Operations Research & the Management Science; Interfaces (journal); INFORMS J. Appl. Anal.; INFORMS J Appl Anal; INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (journal)
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal about operations research that was established in 1970 under the title Interfaces by The Institute of Management Sciences, now part of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. The journal's has a case-study style: it offers examples of how operations research theory has been applied in businesses and organizations.
(interfaces, interfacing, interfaced)
The interface between two subjects or systems is the area in which they affect each other or have links with each other.
...a witty exploration of that interface between bureaucracy and the working world.
If you refer to the user interface of a particular piece of computing software, you are talking about its presentation on screen and how easy it is to operate. (COMPUTING)
...the development of better user interfaces.
N-COUNT: usu n N
In computing and electronics, an interface is an electrical circuit which links one machine, especially a computer, with another. (TECHNICAL)
If one thing interfaces with another, or if two things interface, they have connections with each other. If you interface one thing with another, you connect the two things. (TECHNICAL or FORMAL)
...the way we interface with the environment...
The different components all have to interface smoothly...
He had interfaced all this machinery with a master computer.
V-RECIP: V with n, pl-n V, V n with n, also V pl-n
n. an interface between; with
v. (D; intr., tr.) to interface with (to interface a machine with a computer)



Interface or interfacing may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para interfaces
1. interfaces.
Chudler & Lise Johnson _ Talks at Google
2. interfaces.
Scratch - Coding for Everyone! _ Mitchel Resnick _ Talks at Google
3. interfaces.
Nexus _ Ramez Naam _ Talks at Google
4. interfaces.
The Creative Process _ John Paul Caponigro _ Talks at Google
5. interfaces and conversational interfaces with these blocks.
Scratch - Coding for Everyone! _ Mitchel Resnick _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de interfaces
1. In technology argot, they needed user–friendly interfaces.
2. This device interfaces with the computer using its USB port.
3. The invasive surgery could "enable assembly–line like fabrication of hybrid insect–Mems interfaces", Darpa says.
4. Brain–computer interfaces have been demonstrated before, in humans and animals.
5. Eilat deserves full defenses, particularly as a center that interfaces with countries all over the world.